
Friday, 23 May 2014

E-ako maths

This week we have been learning all about fractions. We used e-ako maths . I have learnt if you 
break a shape up it has to be equal.    

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

My small moment.

My Big Burn On My Knee
By Riley

In the holidays I was very very bored until my mum said it was my sisters birthday. My sister  was very excited and happy. I started to get very angry because she was yelling out “its my birthday” and screaming as loud as she could. We planned where to go and my sister said “chipmunks”. When we got in the car dad was very slow getting out of the house because he had to put the code in for our house. When he locked everything up he forgot to get the camera so he had to go back in and get the camera. When he got back out dad had to check the car to see if its got enough gas in it.

As we arrived at chipmunks my sister started to scream. But when we got in she said it looked ugly. We went on the bouncy castle slide. After a couple of turns later she thought it was fun. But she pushed me down backwards and burnt my knee. It started to sting when I realized it was even there. I walked over to my mum and she said to go ask the counter and see if they have any bandages. Luckily they had some. I put it on and it was too small so I waited until we got home and put a big bandage on. I felt ok after that.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Weekly number challenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
three hundred and twenty

Write it as an expanded number
300 + 20

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was double it
The hardest part was multiply by 3
I need to work on multiply by 3  

Monday, 12 May 2014

Weekly number challenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
fifty three

Write it as an expanded number
50 + 3 = 53

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was add 3
The hardest part was multiply by 3
I need to work on multiply by 3

Friday, 9 May 2014

What is an Amphibian

This week I learned about amphibians here 
is the slide my group made. 
if you want to see the whole presentation

Monday, 5 May 2014

Weekly number challenge.

Today’s Number:

Write it in words

two hundred and seven
Write it as an expanded number
200 + 40 + 7

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was to write
The hardest part was multiplied by 3
I need to work on multiply by 3